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Cell Block A v1.3b
This game is freeware - meaning it is free, no fee may be charged for it
except to cover the cost of the media it is stored on.
Cell Block A can be freely distribted to anyone/everyone under the following conditions:
1. ABSOLUTLY NO changes are made to the game.
2. this text file is included with it, complete and unmodified.
3. You ask my permision before distributing it on any other media then the
internet - if your putting it on the net I would like to be informed, but
that is not required.
"I do not accept responsibility for any effects, adverse or otherwise,
that this code may have on you, your computer, your sanity, your dog,
and anything else that you can think of. Use it at your own risk."
Skin lay back in his bunk and tried not to rub elbows with the other five men in his
cell; He laughed to himself remembering the last time things got this crowded. It was
six years ago now, everybody was on edge. Somehow a fight was started - rumor has it,
over a cigarette - and before Skin could grab his shiv a riot had broken out. Skin smiled,
that had been the best party he had been to since he was thrown into the slammer. The
inmates had managed to kill 400 of each other and destroy the entire cell block before
the guards could stop them.
Now the destroyed Cell Block A or "The Hole" as the guards called it was used
for the fights. Every year any prisoner had the right to enter the fights and win his own
personal cell for a year, complete with cable TV and a shower; Heaven to any man
whoÆs had to go to the bathroom with 5 other guys watching. All this ambitious fool
had to do was to be the last living convict after the bloody tournament of one on one
battle in the hole.
The fights did their job well. They kept the number of prisoners in check and the
action kept the guards and inmates well entertained. But this year things where different.
For the past 3 years volunteers for the fights had grown scarce and the cells more
cramped. Fearing another riot the prison warden had upped the ante. Now the winner
of the tournament would receive a full pardon.
Skin looked at the wall next to him and counted the lines marking his years inside;
15 left. A guard walked by with a clipboard talking names for the fights, Skin called
him over.
Player 1:
A - S - D
action = Q
Player 2:
action = Control
Music Control:
NumLock = Random
/ = Previous
* = Next
- = Pause/Play
+ = Stop/Start
System Requirements:
Intel Pentium
Windows 95
8MB ram
15MB free space
Sound Card
Intel Pentium 166
16mb ram
Abnormal blood sugar
Problem: "ERROR: setting 640x480x256!"
Info: Your video card for some reason does not support this video mode.
Solution: None, just try it on a different computer with a different video card.
Problem: "ERROR: initialising sound"
Info: Your sound card is not sound blaster compatible. (maby a SB LIVE)
Solution: Run cell.exe with a -nosound arguement (eg "cell -nosound")
Problem: "ERROR: setting digi voices"
Info: Something went wrong initing the mod player.
Solution: Run cell.exe with a -nosound arguement (eg "cell -nosound")
Problem: "ERROR: loading game.dat/menu.dat"
Info: Someone messed up the game.dat or menu.dat
Solution: Re-install Cell Block A.
Problem: "ERROR: loading mouse!"
Info: The map editor requires that a mouse is installed.
Solution: Install a mouse before running jail-ed.
Problem: The game runs so slow on my computer.
Info: Cell Block A is not an extremely demanding game, so either you have
an outdated computer, or an incompatible sound/video card.
Solution: Since Cell Block A was written using allegro (something I
did not create) there is little I or you can do. Try running
Cell Block A without sound ("cell -nosound").
There have also been problems with Creative Live cards, there is no fix
that I know of for this, just pop it into your friends Sound Blaster 16
computer :)
Any problem thats not mentioned here could be caused by many things.
First try the game with no sound. If it runs but it used to work with sound
before, possibly you added a new .mod file to the music dir that messes the
game up.
If none of these things help you fix your problem, you can contact me with
your prob, e-mail me and I will see what I can do (see bottom)
Conceptual Design/Story:
Cobol & KevlarX
Sound FX:
Protomas & Necros
Various mods from around the net (credited in the mod files)
Play Testing:
All of Lake St School.
Everything Else:
End Notes:
You can make levels using the map editor Jail-Ed just run jailed.exe
the keys for the editor are:
Q = Ladder
W = Left endpiece
E = Middle piece
R = Right endpiece
T = Start position
S = Save
L = Load
N = New
You are not required to match the tiles up to the bitmap in the background, but
thats the idea behind the cool background :)
When a map is saved in Jailed it creates a 200x150 pcx of it named zzz.pic
where zzz is the name of the level. This pcx can be any 200x150 256 colour
image so have fun, just remember to stick to the correct pallete (game.pal included).
Any mod (up to 24 channels) can be thrown into the music directory, and
it will be added to the song list, beware though, some mods freak out
and freeze the game, if this happens just move it out of the folder.
Game Command Lines:
Usage: cell -blade
A special thanks goes out to the author(s) of Red Pixel, the code of which
helped my figure out how to actuly write a game. My map selector list code
is based heavily off of theres.
And of course, the authors of Allegro, and JGMOD. Both librarys which I
used to create this game.
Play it, enjoy it, give it to people, just don't rip me off :)
for new game updates, maps, music, and other related stuff check out the page:
Cell Block A - (C) Jacob Schwartz (KevlarX) - 02/04/00
E-Mail: kevlarx@netidea.com
ICQ: 2632435